Friday, September 17, 2010

Does True Love Exist?

"But that's love isn't it? When you know someone better than they do and you would do anything in the world to protect them?" -Silvio Horta

As I sit here next to my computer getting ready to type this blog out I'm struck by deepness of the question I pose. Does true love exist? You know, that special awe inspiring kind of love that fairy tales are made of, the kind that sweeps you off your feet and leaves your head reeling. The kind of love that leaves an impression even after you are gone?

I have always been the girl who dreamt of a fairy-tale-esque romance. I have my perfect guy in my head right down to the football team he roots for (if you know me at all, you know this is actually at the TOP of the list). Yes, I have imagined my wedding and cannot wait to find the person who makes me long to swim across the East River in January (Ugly Betty reference). But being only eighteen, and, I'll admit, not the best at putting myself out there, I have yet to find someone who has captured my heart in such a profound way. Which I suppose could be why I pose such a question. Does true love exist? And if it does, do we all have the possibility of finding it, or are there only a lucky few who get to divulge in this 'treat?'

As a girl, a dreamer, and a human being, I would like nothing more than to believe that there is a special kind of love that transcends everything. A kind of love that nothing can break, the kind that truly lasts forever.

And you know what? At the end of the day, I DO believe in that kind of love. Some may call me naive or silly, but I don't see anything wrong in believing that there is this epic kind of love. I believe that knowing that there is something as genuine and true as love, makes knowing that there are things as awful and saddening as hate a little more bearable.

Have you ever wondered what makes people do the crazy things that they seem to be willing to do for love? Move across the country, heck across the world. Learn a new language, defy their family, friends, and loved ones. Leave everything they have ever known behind? What is so incredible about love that makes this seem a desirable move? I have.

It's funny that as I sit here writing this the convictions of my thoughts continue to persuade me that my argument is valid, and that the evidence, if one were to really look is irrefutable. But I don't expect the few flimsy, whimsy, paragraphs of an eighteen year old that has barely experienced life, let alone love to convince you of this fact.

I understand you may feel the need to challenge me, go ahead, actually please do. Go out and look for examples of love in your community. In fact, go to and peruse around for a bit, then come back and tell me what you found there.

I may not have all the facts, or be able to list off all these couples that are extraordinary examples of true love, but I KNOW that it is out there; and I believe that it is attainable. Do you?

David Buss put it beautifully in his essay, here is the exert I found particularly moving.

"But true love takes its own course through uncharted territory. It knows no fences, has no barriers or boundaries. It's difficult to define, eludes modern measurement, and seems scientifically woolly. But I know true love exist. I just can't prove it."

This is one blog where I would really love to hear what everyone else thinks. Does this kind of love, the kind that makes you want to climb mountains or throw yourself in front of a speeding bus to protect that other person exist? Do you have an example you would love to share? Please I welcome it :)

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