Okay this is my first blog so if it completely sucks then I am terrribly sorry, but I sincerely hope it does NOT suck and that you enjoy what you are about to read.
My entire life I have always heard that saying, you know the one about how 'the eyes are the windows to the soul', and I in general always agreed. People's eyes have a way of telling you more about a person than they will actually verbally disclose. But what about a smile? If the eyes are the window is it possible that the smile could be the door? Perhaps it is only I who's mind has ventured down that unknown road filled with wrinkle lines of laughter. But you always hear people state things such as: what a beautiful smile, oh such pretty teeth, but never your smile just shows me how great a person you are. Why is that? Is it possible that a smile is just a mask we wear to hide our true feelings, or as I believe, do we have several smiles, each showing people a different and unique part of who we truly are.
I apologize if I appear to get philisophical, for that tends to happen to me when I write. But if you bear with me for a bit longer maybe you will understand just what I am trying to say. There are two people on this earth whom posess certain qualities I find both admirable and completely awe worthy. These two people also happen to be to owners of the most beautiful and telling smiles I have ever laid eyes on. They go by the names; Danny Gokey and David Cook. Have you ever heard of them, seen them? If not the remainder of my blog may just appear to be random physco babble from an overly obsessed fan, looking for examples to back up my insane theory. Of course if you have, it may still appear that way regardless.
Back to the subject(s) of this blog though. I will start off with David Cook, since he did make his mark on my heart and my ears first. David Cook was first introduced to me at the initial stage of the hit Fox show, American Idol. For his audition he sang 'Living on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi. Many months and votes later, he ended up becoming the winner. I guess somewhere inbetween then and now is where my story takes place. I am going to attempt to make a long story short and save the rest for my blog on Cookie himself. Basically he fits into my theory because his smile is beautiful. Beyond beautiful it is gorgeous. And if there is anything beyond that it qualifies as well. But his smile isn't just amazing, it is insightful, which is where my theory comes into play. David Cook is one of those people who definately applies to the saying 'more than meets the eye'. When you first look at him what do you see? A really cute guy who knows how to sing. Sure thats him, but is that all there is to him? No, he has one of the most incredible hearts I have ever seen a human being have. He is strong, brave, courageous, and would never agree if you sugggested it to him. I truly belive he is a gift from God, and his eyes didn't give me that insight...his smile did.
The next subject of my blog, Danny Gokey, was discovered for me the same way. He caught my heart before he ever sang, with his incredible story of strength and survival. I remember so clearly sitting on the couch praying, literally, that he could sing. And when he opened his mouth and belted out 'I Heard it Through the Grape Vine' relief swept over me. I decided he was definately a favorite. Once again months passed and votes were cast, and he ended up coming in third place (he should have won!). I could go on for hours, days, weeks, months, years even perhaps informing you of all the reasons I am convinced that Danny Gokey is one of the greatest guys I have ever had the privledge of saying that I am a fan of. But just like in the case of Cookie, that is a blog for another day! Smiles being the doors to the soul is my current subject. And in the case of Danny Gokey this is also certainly true. When he smiles I can so clearly and perfectly see the kind and generous person he is. His eyes squint up and joy lights up his face, it is one of the most adorable sights I have ever seen. I believe he smiles with his heart, and that makes all the difference.
I'm not sure if I have convinced anyone that my theory holds true, or even really if that made any sense at all. Maybe I just wanted an excuse to write about two of my favorite guys on the planet, but if that is true, can you blame me? Regardless of whether or not it was true, random, psychotic, or just plain odd, I hope it entertained you! Until I blog again I will leave you with a quote I love...
"About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all." ~Rita Mae Brown

I agree! I think every person has multiple smiles to show their mood and personality :)
ReplyDeletelove that part about danny! and I agree again, I too think a person's smile is the "door" to their soul. nicely written!! amazing first blog!
oh and---love the quote!
loved this blog. guess what it made me smile. just reading about danny and davids smile made me smile. why? because i wholeheartedly agree with everything you just wrote about. great first blog!!!