So it has been a while since my last blog and I thought I'd start 2010 off by re-introducing you all to me, or maybe introducing myself properly for the first time. I'm a firm believer in always being who you are and never compromising or pretending, because, well, why pretend to be something you aren't. I think I'll start off with one of my favorite sayings!
"Be who you are, some people will love you for you, some people will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you all."
So who am I? I'm a DORK =)
So there you have it, my not so deep, not so dark secret: I'm a dork, a huge one, not exactly the ordinary run of the mill girl. But if you really think about it who would want to be normal? If normal is the socially acceptable thing to be, then I must be a rebel, because normal,or societies standard of it, has never been something I was interested in. I guess to understand this you would have to understand a little bit more about me. So I'll tell you some of my quirks. The things that make me human, the things that make unique, the things that make me... well me!
I'm the youngest of four children, which by the way means I've been the butt of the joke my whole life. It's good that way though, you learn to laugh at yourself because, well when everyone else is it is just the easiest thing to do. But honestly you learn that humor is the best medicine for any illness and that laughter is just one of the many gifts God has blessed us with. You also learn to distinguish yourself, to make yourself stand out in the crowd. You have to be loud and demand attention. You have to be unique. But I guess maybe those qualities are things you are born with, rather than things you acquire from youth. Maybe I was born a loud, unique, laughter obsessed baby or maybe I grew into that because of my environment, but then again I guess that's an age old question that I better not delve into at this exact moment. After all American Idol is almost on ;)
Something else you should know about me is that I love football. More specifically Florida State football, really I guess perhaps obsession is the better word for it, or I think that is what my parents and friends would say if they were here typing this instead of me. As a kid football was something my parents watched around me, it was the world in which I was raised. As I got older I found myself drawn to this world and the day I finally sat down and watched my first football game I was lost in a never-ending sea of green fields and incredible feats of human talent. If you haven't guessed I'm from the South, another very distinguishing characteristic of my life. I'm a true southern girl based on the facts: I LOVE football, country music, plaid, and cute boys with an accent. I guess I'm stereotypical in that way. But we all have our social cliches.

Where to go from here? Some of my quirks, the things that distinguish me from anyone else you might meet. I love Science Fiction. It is a completely geeky/dorky part of me and one of which I'm completely unashamed. I can tell you the full name of probably ever major character that ever appeared on The X-Files series and some episode names. I saw the newest movie 'I Want to Believe' the day it came out and have a collectors addition poster in my room hung for the world to see. I'm pretty proud of it actually. Another sci-fi (slang) series/movie I'm in love with is Star Trek. I completely adore it and will tell anyone who is willing to listen, I think all my friends can vouch for that one. I never saw the original series, but when the movie came out this past summer I fell in love with it. Spock and Kirk and their journey together on this ship known as the Enterprise fascinated me. I have now begun to watch the original series and my transition into a full fledged Trekkie is officially underway ;)
Though I must admit while I like to think of myself as your unique, oddball teenager, truth is I have moments and likes that are some of the most cliched. I'm a pretty big fan of the trio of brothers that form the boy-band The Jonas Brothers, I am a complete sucker for any fairy-tale movie with a happily ever after, I think that rock concerts are probably the best place in the world to be, and I watch American Idol like it is going out of style ;) I obsess over cute boys (e.g. Zachary Quinto, Chris Pine, Ian Somerhalder, Paul Wesley...I really could go on forever) I think that clothes and shoes are two of the most important things in the world, and cannot wait to see everything that life has in store for me.
I guess at the end of the day all of these random things I've stated, and sooo many more are the things that distinguish me and make me who I am. Of course I'm JUST like everybody else and of course I'm NOTHING like anybody else. At the end of the day I guess we fall into two categories. 1) the person everyone sees when they look at you and 2) the person we see when we look in the mirror. So maybe giving people titles is wrong. Maybe it's what is expected of us, but maybe, just maybe the day when we stop labeling people will be the day we finally see them for who they truly are.
I have no idea really if this blog means anything to you, I'm not even positive what it means to me, I just know that I haven't written one in forever and I felt like starting off with something easy, something I know! And I wanted people to get a chance to know me if they don't! Welcome to my life, hope you love it here <3